- astech2hydro@gmail.com
- +91-98155-35252, +9199143-42223
- PK-9,10, Premier Industrial Complex, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana
The natural water many times contains dissolved impurities such as Carbonates of calcium and magnesium commonly know as HARDNESS. These salts causes scaling and corrosion in the equipment, Such as Boiler and Cooling Towers. This scaling problem reduces flow and ultimately chocking of pipe/lines/valves, reduce heat transfer efficiency of heating elements/heat exchangers. The process of removing these salts is know as Sofftening.
Astech water softening system works on the principle of ion-exchange, based on counter flow regeneration, which removes the water hardness to make it suitable for industrial and domestic applications. The equipment contains a bed of “cation exchange resin” which absorbs calcium and magnesium salts and produce high quality soft water having commercially zero hardness. After getting specified amount of treated water, when the resin is no more capable of absorbing further hardness from water the unit is regenerated with common-salt solution to get it back in operation.
Our quality control department strictly verifies & monitors every product at all levels of production to make sure of the quality standards.
Every product of our range is capable of fulfilling client’s essential needs. In addition, we also provide well-timed delivery with economical prices to ensure client satisfaction.
Astech Hydro Systems
P. K. 9, Premier Industrial Complex, Nichi Mangli, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana –
141123, Punjab, India.
Phone +91-161-3254185
Mobile. +91-98155-35252, +9199143-42223
Mobile. +91-62838-43817, +91-77196-06014
E-mail. info@astechhydro.com
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